Automot with OSEK NM and OSEK TP ********************************************** This is an example for using the Body Bus and the Powertrain Bus in the same CANoe-Simulation Model. The Gateway transmitts informations from the Powertrain Bus to the Body Bus. The models of the Body Bus are working with OSEK Network Management.The current state for each node is displayed at the panel Network Management. Also some models use the OSEK Transport Protocol. The console is able to send informations to the dashboard, which will be displayed there. With the Diagnostic Panel you can get diagnostic informations of the left door. This functionality is based on the KWP 2000. The OSEK TP Observer interprets transport layer messages and displays them in a human readable form in the trace window "Trace TP". Therefore activate the OSEK-TP-Observer in the CAN.INI-file with the following entries: [EventHooks] NumberOfEventHooks=1 [EventHook0] Name=osek_obm.dll The directory of this example contains a file OSEK_ObM.INI. If you copy this file into the exec32-directory of your CANoe-Installation the OSEK TP Observer will interpret also the OSEK TP node names. The nodes in this simulation includes some generated lines (grey lines). Here the list which database contains the attributes for the different nodes. !! Please, generate the nodes with this list: !! Ibus.dbc : Console.can Dashboard.can Diagnostic.can Door_le.can Door_rl.can Gateway.can Motbus.dbc : Engine.can DisplayEngine.can Appropriated CANoe Version : 3.2.44 (SP2) Appropriated Files : - Network Management DMOSEKNM.DLL Version 1.0 Date 08.12.99 DMOSEKNM.ini Date 16.01.98 - Transport Protocol OSEK_obM.dll Version Date 22.10.01 OSEK_obM.ini Date 06.12.00 OSEK_tp.dll Version 3.3.2(Build 2) Date 13.03.02 OSEK_tp.ini Date 29.01.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) by Vector Informatik GmbH Dep. Tools Automotive 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------