~~NOTOC~~ [[:python:accueilpython|{{ :iconemaison.jpg?nolink&30|Sommaire Python et microPython}}]] ===== Python - Programmation avancée ===== [Mise à jour le : 30/12/2022] * Python 3.11: Cool New Features for You to Try ===Sommaire=== - AI - Python AI: How to Build a Neural Network & Make Predictions - Build an Alexa- or Siri-Equivalent Bot in Python Using OpenAI - Algorithmes, maths et science des données - Sorting Algorithms in Python - Recursion in Python: An Introduction - The k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) Algorithm in Python - Simplify Complex Numbers With Python - Math for Data Science - Python Data Science Tutorials - Logistic Regression in Python - NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas: Correlation With Python - Fourier Transforms With scipy.fft: Python Signal Processing - Draw the Mandelbrot Set in Python - How to Do a Binary Search in Python - Data Visualization With Python - Linear Regression in Python - API - How to Do a Binary Search in Python - Asynchrone - Getting Started With Async Features in Python - Bases de données et SGBD - [[info:bdd:accueilbdd|Généralités]] - Python Database Tutorials - Des bases de données en Python avec sqlite3 - Build a Contact Book With Python, PyQt, and SQLite - Introduction to Python SQL Libraries - Recipes from Python SQLite docs - Bonnes pratiques - Technical Writing for Developers - Best Practices for More Pythonic Code - Python vs C++: Selecting the Right Tool for the Job - Write More Pythonic Code - LBYL vs EAFP: Preventing or Handling Errors in Python - When Do You Use an Ellipsis in Python? - Should You Be Using Python’s Walrus Operator? - CLI Python - Build Command Line Interface with Python's argparsz - Python Command Line Arguments - CPython - Your Guide to the CPython Source Code - Documentation - Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs - Embarqué - PikaScript - Excel - A Guide to Excel Spreadsheets in Python With openpyxl - Exceptions - Python Exceptions: An Introduction - Python KeyError Exceptions and How to Handle Them - LBYL vs EAFP: Preventing or Handling Errors in Python - Exécution de code - Python's exec(): Execute Dynamically Generated Code - Fonctionnel - Python's filter(): Extract Values From Iterables - Générateurs - Python's filter(): Extract Values From Iterables - Interfaces graphiques - Python GUI Programming - GUI Programming With PyQt - Journalisation - Logging in Python - The Ins and Outs of Logging in Python, Part 1 - Jupyter - How to create a dashboard in Python with Jupyter Notebook? - Langages - Natural Language Processing With Python's NLTK Package - Java vs Python: Basic Python for Java Developers - Linter - Learn Python ASTs, by building your own linter - Machine learning - Machine Learning With Python - Python AI: How to Build a Neural Network & Make Predictions - Mémoire - Memory Management in Python (RealPython) - Memory Management in Python (Honeybadger) - Memory Management in Python - Part 1: What Are Pointers? - Mobile - Build a Mobile Application With the Kivy Python Framework - Modules et packages - Python Zip Imports: Distribute Modules and Packages Quickly - Dependency Management With Python Poetry - How to Publish an Open-Source Python Package to PyPI - How to create a Python package in 2022 - Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies - Multitâche - An intro to threading in Python - Multiprocessing Race Conditions in Python - Python Concurrency & Parallel Programming - Threading in Python: The Complete Guide - Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency - The subprocess Module: Wrapping Programs With Python - map() vs submit() With The ProcessPoolExecutor in Python - Python Threading Quiz - Python Asyncio: The Complete Guide - pdf - pikepdf : a Python library for reading and writing PDF files - **[[:python:poo:poo|POO - Programmation Orientée Objet✔]]** - Classe et objet - Héritage - Polymorphisme - Sécurité - Evolution of Access Control Explained Through Python - Secure Password Handling in Python - Structures de données - Opérateurs - Python's "in" and "not in" Operators: Check for Membership - Enumération - Build Enumerations of Constants With Python's Enum - Tuple - Write Pythonic and Clean Code With namedtuple - File et pile - Python Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues in Practice - Python's deque: Implement Efficient Queues and Stacks - How to Implement a Python Stack - Reverse Python Lists: Beyond .reverse() and reversed() - Build a Hash Table in Python With TDD - Dictionnaires - Python's ChainMap: Manage Multiple Contexts Effectively - Tests - Python's doctest: Document and Test Your Code at Once - Test Your Python Apps - Effective Python Testing With Pytest - Documentation unit tests - Using Mypy in production at Spring - Invasive procedures: Python affordances for performance measurement - Web - Python Web Development Tutorials - HTML and CSS for Python Developers - Model-View-Controller (MVC) Explained – With Legos - Python’s Requests Library (Guide)[Quiz] - Python's urllib.request for HTTP Requests - Exploring HTTPS With Python - Bottle - Un serveur web en Python avec Bottle. - Django - Django Tutorials - Django vs. Flask in 2021: Which Framework to Choose - Docker - Python Docker Tutorials - Flask - Flask by Example - Flask Tutorials - Accepting Payments with Stripe, Vue.js, and Flask - Primer on Jinja Templating - Sending Emails With Python - Front-end Web Development Tutorials - Brython: Python in Your Browser - Python vs JavaScript for Pythonistas, etc - MQTT - Fundamentals of MQTT - Beginner’s Guide To Using Paho-MQTT - PyScript - A First Look at PyScript: Python in the Web Browser - PyScript — unleash the power of Python in your browser - REST - Python's urllib.request for HTTP Requests - Python and REST APIs: Interacting With Web Services - Scraping - A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in Python - Web Scraping Tutorials - Socket - Socket Programming in Python (Guide) - Twitter - How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy - XML - A Roadmap to XML Parsers in Python ---- - {{:python:outils.png?nolink&25|}} **Outils** - **Création** - Kivy: The Open Source Python App development Framework. for Android, iOS, GNU/Linux, OS X et Windows. . - Thonny: The Beginner-Friendly Python Editor - **VSCode** - [[:outils:vscode:accueilvscode|L'environnement de développement intégré (IDE) VSCode]] - [[:outils:vscode:vscipython|Python interactif (IPython) et Jupyter dans VSCode]] - [[:python:outils:anaconda|Installer et utiliser Anaconda, Anaconda avec VSCode]] - [[:python:outils:jupyter|Notebook Jupyter, binder et Google Colab]] - [[:python:outils:pip|Installer et utiliser PIP]] - Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies - Visual TK : Visual Python TKinter GUI creator - **Docker** - How to Deploy a Jupyter Notebook to Docker - **Documentation** - [[:outils:markdown|Mémento de Markdown]] - **Entraînement en ligne** - INGInious - Cercles informatiques - France IoI - **Environnement d'exécution** - Environnements virtuels Python : introduction - pipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments - Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv - **Sauvegarde et collaboration** - [[:outils:filezilla|Transférer des fichiers avec FileZilla client]] - [[:outils:vscode:liveshare|Travail collaboratif dans VSCode]] - ** Git et Github** - [[:outils:git|Gestion de versions : démarrer avec git et Github]] - Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python Developers - Advanced Git Tips for Python Developers - **Script** - File injector (Stéganographie) - **Simulation** - **En ligne** : Python Tutor